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Showing posts from November, 2022

Small Good Habit Story, Motivation Story For Students How to start Life Changing Habits For Student Small Habits That make a big difference

How to start Life Changing Habits For Student  Small Habits That make a big difference   There are two type of habit one is good habits and second is bad habit . Some people takes good and some takes bad, We want to learn form each and every thing. Nature is good learner because no one can teach us the wat nature teacher us. How is the environment around us, we adopt the same habit. If we are passing our time with wrong people we get bad habits and if we are passing our time with good people we get good habits. Different between Good Habits And Bad Habits We should not take the habit of bad people but should learn from their habits. How he is spending his life by taking bad habits. Everything goes wrong in their life, their life is wasted. That's why we should learn from bad people life and should not take bad habits What are some 10 Small Habits For live long and happy life.   1.Positive Thinking. 2.Kindness 3.Helpful Person 4.Time Punctuator 5.Good Nature 6.Smiling Face 7.Brave 8

A Banyan Tree Story With Moral

Philanthropic people Story, For Good People 😊 A banyan tree was standing in a village for many years. All the people of the village used to sit under its shade, the women of the village used to worship that tree on festivals. Time passed like this and after many years the tree started drying up. Its branches started breaking and falling and its roots were also weak now. The villagers thought that now this tree should be cut down and huts should be built for the homeless people with its wood. Seeing the villagers bringing saws and axes, a tree standing near the banyan tree said - "Grandfather! You don't get angry at the attitude of these people, how selfish they are, they used to worship you when they needed you, but today they are going to bite you after seeing you breaking. The old banyan replied - "No son! I am very happy to think that even after death, I will be able to be of use to someone today. Education:- Philanthropic people always have a sense of compassion towa

Motivational Story For Successful Students And Kids In English

Motivational Story For Successful Students And Kids  Once upon a time there was a peacock who was very beautiful, his feathers were very beautiful. One day it rained heavily and the peacock started dancing. While dancing he was gazing at her beauty, but suddenly his attention was drawn to her voice, which was very dissonant and harsh. Realizing this, he became extremely sad and tears welled up in his eyes. Then suddenly, he heard a cuckoo singing. Hearing the sweet voice of the cuckoo, the peacock felt his absence once again. He started thinking that God gave him beauty but why made him ugly. Just then a goddess appeared and asked the peacock "Peacock, why are you sad?" The peacock complained to the goddess about her harsh voice and asked her, “The voice of the cuckoo is so sweet but why not mine? That's why I'm sad. Now listening to the peacock, the goddess explained, “Everyone's share is determined by the Lord, every living being is special in its own way. God h

Famous Moral Story About Greedy Man In English

Famous Moral Story About Greedy Man In English There was a big landlord. It came to his mind that some of his land should be distributed to the poor. A greedy man approached him and said, "I want land." The landlord said, “Okay, start walking from sunrise. Return there till sunset. All the land that comes in that circle will be yours.     The man started walking after marking the starting point. He thought that if he takes a long circle then he will get a lot of land. He ran without stopping, he kept running without resting. He didn't even drink water, let alone food. Right now he was moving ahead without turning. When the sun god bowed down towards Astachal, he got scared. I have come a long way, now how will I reach the starting point before sunset? If I don't reach there, the circle will remain incomplete and I will get nothing. He was very distressed by this mere imagination and even though he was hungry and thirsty, he started running with all his might. He gaspe

Free Online Short Good Inspirational Story

A stranger came to the king's court to do a job. When he was asked about his ability, he said - "If I become a man, I can tell about him by looking at his face." The king made him his special "in charge of the horse stables". After a few days the king asked him about his most expensive and favorite horse. He said, "Sir, this is not a breed of horse." The king was surprised, he asked the forest to call the horseman immediately. He told, the mare is a breed; His mother died on his birth, he grew up with her after drinking the milk of a cow. The king called his servant and asked... "How do you know that the horse is not a breed?"   He said- "When it eats grass, it lowers its head like a cow, while a purebred horse takes grass in its mouth and raises its head." He was very pleased with the king's ability, he sent grain, ghee, chicken and other attachment bonuses to the servant's house and stopped him in his palace. After a few d

Key To Success Tips And Advice With Motivational Story

Two little boys were playing some distance from home. They were so happy to play that they did not even notice when they ran to a deserted place. In that place there was an old well, and one of the boys accidentally fell into the well. "Save - save," he began to shout. The other boy immediately got scared and called for help, but where would anyone come to help in this deserted place! Then the boy saw that an old bucket and a rope were lying near the well. He immediately tied one end of the rope to a stone buried there and threw the other end into the well. The boy who had fallen into the well grabbed the rope and began to pull it out with all his might, after tireless effort they pulled him up and saved his life. When he went to the village and told this, no one believed him. One man said, "You can not pull out a bucket of water, how can you pull out this child, you are lying". Then an old man said, "That's right, because there was no other way, and there

Good vs Evil Story, Evil only ends in evil

Free Online Short Moral Story For Student In English Three thieves lived in a village. One night he stole from a rich man. He filled all the money in a bag and fled towards the forest with it. On reaching the forest, he felt very hungry. There was nothing to eat, so one of the thieves went to a nearby village to get food. The remaining two thieves were guarding the stolen goods in the forest. The thief who had gone to buy food had bad intentions. First he himself had food in the hotel. Then he bought food for his companions and mixed strong poison in it. He thought that if both his companions would die after consuming poisonous food, then all the wealth would be his. In the forest, both the thieves had planned to kill their fellow thief who had gone to get food. They wanted to get him out of their way and divide all the wealth among themselves. The three thieves acted according to their respective plans. As soon as the first thief reached the forest with poisonous food. Both his compan

What Is The Moral Story Of A Hunchbacked person

 Short And Inspirational story  A woman used to cook daily meals for the members of her family and a roti she cooked for any hungry passing by. She used to keep that roti by the window, which anyone could take. A hunchbacked person would take that bread daily and instead of going on his way to give thanks, he would mutter something like this - "Whatever you do bad will stay with you and what you do good will come back to you." Days passed and this cycle continued. That hunchback kept on carrying bread everyday and murmured these words - "Whatever you do bad will stay with you and whatever you do good will come back to you." The woman got fed up with his action and started saying to herself in her mind that "What a strange person, he does not give a word of thanks, and does not know what he keeps murmuring, what does it mean." One day, getting angry, she took a decision and said - "I will be able to get rid of this hunchback." And what she did was

Greed Is Bad Short Story For students

Title: Greed Is Bad: The Dark Side of Excessive Selfishness Introduction  Greed, an insatiable desire for wealth and possessions, has long been condemned as a destructive force in society. It represents a relentless pursuit of personal gain at the expense of others. While ambition and drive can be positive traits, greed goes beyond the desire for success and manifests as an insidious force that undermines relationships, fuels inequality, and erodes the moral fabric of communities. This essay explores the detrimental consequences of greed and argues that it is an inherently destructive force that must be recognized and curbed for the betterment of individuals and society as a whole. Greed Breeds Inequality  One of the most concerning aspects of greed is its role in perpetuating social and economic inequality. When individuals prioritize their own wealth accumulation over the well-being of others, the gap between the rich and the poor widens. Wealth and resources become concentrated in t

Short Story , True Motivation story for your decision in English For Students With Moral

Title: The Perils of Haste and Thoughtless Work: A Roadmap to Trouble Do you believe that decision made in haste are always ? In today's fast-paced world, the value of time has become paramount. People are constantly striving to accomplish more in less time, often resorting to haste and thoughtlessness in their work. However, this approach, while seemingly efficient, can have dire consequences. This essay explores the negative ramifications of hasty and thoughtless work, shedding light on the various areas of life where this mindset can lead to trouble. By examining the effects on personal relationships, professional endeavors, and overall well-being, we will uncover the hidden dangers that lie beneath the surface of hurried and careless actions. How do you avoid hasty decision ? The Impacts on Personal Relationships Haste and thoughtlessness can wreak havoc on personal relationships. When we rush through conversations or fail to consider the feelings and perspectives of others, we

The Well-Wisher , English Well-Wisher Story

Title: The Power of Being a Well-Wisher:  Spreading Positivity in a Challenging World Introduction: In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, being a well-wisher holds immense power. The simple act of expressing good wishes and positive intentions can make a significant impact on individuals and communities alike. Whether it is through kind words, thoughtful gestures, or genuine support, being a well-wisher fosters a sense of connection and uplifts the spirits of those around us. In this article, we will explore the profound influence of being a well-wisher and how it can contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate society. The Essence of Well-Wishing: At its core, being a well-wisher involves genuinely caring for the well-being and happiness of others. It goes beyond superficial niceties and embraces a sincere desire for the betterment of those we encounter. Well-wishing can manifest in various forms, such as offering words of encouragement, expressing empathy, celebr

How to compassion to living beings and service to living beings.

"Compassion to all living beings and service to living beings." Compassion and service to living beings are essential qualities that can be cultivated and practiced in various ways. Here are some suggestions on how to develop compassion and engage in service: Cultivate empathy: Start by developing empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Practice putting yourself in someone else's shoes and imagining their experiences and emotions. This helps to foster a sense of connection and compassion towards them. Be mindful: Cultivate mindfulness by being fully present in the moment and paying attention to the needs and suffering of those around you. Mindfulness helps you develop a deeper awareness of the world and the individuals in it, allowing you to respond with compassion. Practice kindness: Engage in acts of kindness towards others. Small acts of kindness, such as offering a helping hand or a listening ear, can have a significant impact on someone&#

8 way to reduce the stress in daily life with motivational story

How to reduce stress or problem in daily life:- Reducing problems in daily life is a goal many of us strive for. While it's impossible to eliminate all challenges, there are practical steps we can take to minimize their impact and create a more harmonious existence. Here are some key strategies to help you navigate the ups and downs of daily life and reduce problems along the way. What are 8 way to reduce the stress in daily life.  Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Our mindset greatly influences how we perceive and handle problems. Embrace a positive outlook and view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Train your mind to focus on solutions rather than dwelling on the negatives. Practice Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is crucial for reducing problems. Ensure you get enough rest, eat nutritious meals, and engage in regular exercise. Set aside time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as hobbies or spending time in nature. When you prioritize self-ca

Eagle Hunter Moral Story

Moral Story for Kids And Adults In English Once a hunter went to hunt in the forest. After much effort he caught an eagle in the net. When the hunter started taking the eagle, on the way, the eagle said  to the hunter, "Why are you taking me?" The hunter said, "I am going to kill you and take you to eat." The eagle thought that now my death is certain. He remained silent for some time and then said with some thought, "Look, I have lived the life I wanted to live and now I am sure to die, but I have one last wish before I die." "Tell me your wish?", the hunter asked curiously. The eagle began to tell- Before I die, I want to give you two lessons, listen carefully to this and remember it always. The first lesson is that do not believe anyone's words without proof, without thinking. And the second is that if something bad happens to you or if something is left out of your hands, then never feel sad for it. The hunter listened to the eagle and st