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What Is The Moral Story Of A Hunchbacked person

 Short And Inspirational story 

A woman used to cook daily meals for the members of her family and a roti she cooked for any hungry passing by. She used to keep that roti by the window, which anyone could take.

A hunchbacked person would take that bread daily and instead of going on his way to give thanks, he would mutter something like this - "Whatever you do bad will stay with you and what you do good will come back to you."

Days passed and this cycle continued. That hunchback kept on carrying bread everyday and murmured these words - "Whatever you do bad will stay with you and whatever you do good will come back to you."

The woman got fed up with his action and started saying to herself in her mind that "What a strange person, he does not give a word of thanks, and does not know what he keeps murmuring, what does it mean."

One day, getting angry, she took a decision and said - "I will be able to get rid of this hunchback."

And what she did was that she mixed poison in the bread that she used to make for him every day, and as soon as she tried to put the bread on the window, suddenly her hands started trembling and stopped and she said- "O Lord, What was I going to do?" And he immediately burnt that bread in the flame of the stove. Made a fresh roti and kept it by the window.

As usual he came to the hunchback and took the bread, "Whatever you do bad will be with you, and whatever you do good will come back to you" murmured. Absolutely unaware of what was going on in that woman's mind...

Every day when the woman kept roti on the windowsill, she prayed to God for the well being and good health of her son and return home, who had gone out somewhere to build his beautiful future. There was no news of him for months.

That very evening there is a knock at her door. She opens the door and is stunned.. Sees her son standing in front of her. He had become thin and lean. His clothes were torn and he was also hungry, he had become weak due to hunger.

As soon as he saw his mother, he said- "Mom, it is a miracle that I am here... Today when I was a mile away from home, I was so hungry that I collapsed... I would have died." ..!!

But then a hunchback was passing by. He glanced at me and lifted me in his lap. I was dying of hunger, I asked him for something to eat. He gave me his bread without hesitation saying - "I eat this every day, but today you need it more than me.. So take this and satisfy your hunger."

As soon as the mother listened to him, her face turned pale and she leaned against the door to help herself. That thing started swirling in his mind that how he had mixed poison in the roti in the morning, if he had not destroyed that roti by burning it in the fire, then his son would have eaten that roti and the result would have been his death..?

And after that the meaning of those words was very clear to him-

Whatever you do bad will stay with you and what you do good will come back to you.


Always do good and never stop yourself from doing good, even if you have appreciation or appreciation for it at that time or not..!!

Always be happy - what you have got is enough.

Whose mind is cool - he has everything.


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