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10+ Inspirational And Motivational Short Stories

Certainly! Here's an introduction for an inspirational and motivational story:

In a world where dreams often collide with doubt and obstacles, there exists a timeless tale of resilience and unwavering determination. It is a story that transcends boundaries and reminds us of the power that lies within each of us to overcome challenges and achieve greatness.

In this narrative, we encounter a young protagonist named Emily. Growing up in a modest neighborhood, Emily possessed an unyielding spirit and an insatiable thirst for success. She had a dream that burned brightly within her, one that seemed impossible to achieve given her circumstances.

However, Emily refused to be defined by her limitations. With an unwavering belief in herself and an unrelenting work ethic, she embarked on a journey that would test her mettle and ignite the fire within her soul.

This is a story that will take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from moments of despair to instances of triumph. Along Emily's journey, you will witness the transformative power of perseverance, the impact of unwavering self-belief, and the profound effect that determination can have on one's destiny.

Through this inspiring and motivational tale, we are reminded that success is not a predetermined destiny but a culmination of choices and actions. It is a story that beckons us to embrace our dreams, confront our fears, and push beyond the boundaries that society or our own doubts may impose.

So, join us as we delve into the captivating narrative of Emily, a story that will touch your heart, inspire your soul, and remind you that within each of us lies the power to transform our lives and create our own extraordinary destinies.

#1. How To Enjoy The Life Motivational Story.
It occurred a long time ago. When Alexander started ruling over the world on the strength of his power, he was so proud of his power that now he wanted to become immortal. He found out that somewhere there is such water that a person can become immortal by drinking it.

After wandering in the country and the world, Alexander finally found the place where he could get the nectar. It was an old cave, where no one used to come and go.

She was looking very scary to see, but Alexander took a deep breath and entered the cave. There he saw that a fountain of nectar was flowing inside the cave.

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#2. Unity In Strength Interesting Moral Story For Kids  

Once upon a time, in the dense forest of Banagiri, a furious elephant had created a lot of havoc. Being intoxicated with his power, he did not consider anyone as anything.
There was a small happy world of a bird and sparrows on a tree in Banagiri itself. The bird used to sit on the eggs and keep dreaming of the golden dreams of the little cute babies coming out. One day the ferocious elephant came roaring, breaking and twisting the trees. In no time, he broke the tree with the bird's nest. The nest fell down. The eggs broke and the elephant's foot fell on them.

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#3. The Story Of inner self Example

Intelligence test!!

It is a very old thing, in those days there were no schools like today. Gurukul was the education system and students used to stay and study in Gurukul. It is about those days. There was a scholar Pandit, his name was Radhe Gupta. His Gurukul was very famous, where children used to come from far and wide to get education.

Radhe Gupta's wife had passed away, his age was also declining, there was a marriageable girl in the house, whose worry used to haunt him all the time. Pandit Radhe Gupta wanted to marry her to such a worthy person, who may not have wealth but is intelligent.

One day a thought came to his mind, he thought why not search for a suitable groom among his disciples. Thinking like this he decided to test the intelligent disciple, he gathered all the disciples and said to them- "I want to conduct a test, its purpose is to know who is the most intelligent."

My daughter has become marriageable and I am worried about her marriage, but I do not have enough money. That's why I want all the disciples to collect the material required for marriage. Even if you have to choose the path of theft for this. But everyone has to follow one condition, the condition is that no one should see any disciple stealing.

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#4. Pride is our biggest enemy inspiration story 

Pride is our biggest enemy!!

There was a boy, his father had such a big company that sitting in America, he could topple the government of Africa. He did not lack anything, money, power was all in his hands. But while earning money, he could not give time to his child. In return, the child started doing whatever he wanted, no one was going to say anything to him. As he grew up, he started feeling that what could happen to him?? He didn't understand anyone in front of him.

One day he went to a big hotel to have coffee. There was a servant passing by nearby. A coffee glass fell from the servant's hand. Because of the glass falling near that boy, that boy shouted, and said, blind you can't see?? Stupid somewhere? Don't know where they come from. As soon as he said this, he said to call your manager, the servant refused even after a lot of persuasion, but he did not agree. In that time the manager reaches there.

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#5. Honoring Talent heart touching story  
A man with his 15-16 year old daughter in a big hotel wearing a torn dhoti and torn kami. Both of them sitting on their chairs saw a waiter placing two tumblers of clear cold water in front of them and asked - what to bring for you?
That class said- "I promised my daughter that if you come first in ten in the district, I will make you a dosa man in the biggest hotel of your city.

This promise has been fulfilled. Please have a dosa for this. The waiter asked- "What to bring for you?" He said - I have money for only one dosa. After listening to the whole thing, the waiter went to the owner and told the whole story and said - I want both of them to have breakfast. Right now I don't have money, so deduct the amount of these bills from my salary. The owner said- Today we will give a success party of this promising daughter on behalf of the hotel.

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#6. Small Clever Fish Story With Moral

Clever Fish Story

Once upon a time there was a fisherman. He used to catch fish in the pond everyday. By selling which he used to make his living. Sometimes a lot of fish used to come in his net and sometimes less.

One day he went to the pond for fishing. He retracted his trap. After some time when he let out his net, there were many fish in his net. He was very happy.

He took the whole market and sold it. So that he gets good money. The next day he swam with the same hope. He cast his net into the pond and waited for some time. After some time, there was some rustling in his trap.

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#7. What is the story of six blind people an Elephant with moral lesson.

It was a long time ago, 6 blind men lived in a village. One day the villagers told him, "Hey, today an elephant has come to the village." He had only heard about elephants till date but had never touched or felt them. They decided, "Even though we can't see the elephant, we can all walk by a2nd feel it today, can't we?" And then they all moved towards the place where the elephant had come.

Everyone started touching the elephant.

“I understand, an elephant is like a pillar”, said the first person, touching the elephant's leg.

"Oh no, an elephant is like a rope." The other person said holding the tail.

"I tell you, it is like a tree trunk.", said the third person holding the trunk.

"What are you guys talking about, an elephant is like a big hand fan.", the fourth person explained to everyone by touching his ear.

"No-no, it's like a wall.", the fifth person said keeping his hand on his stomach.

"It is not so, the elephant is like a rigid tube.", the sixth person kept his point.

And then everyone started arguing with each other and trying to prove themselves right... Their argument kept on increasing and it seemed as if they would have to fight with each other.

Just then a wise man was passing from there. He stopped and asked them, "What's the matter, why are you all quarreling with each other?"

“We are not able to decide what the elephant looks like.”, they replied.

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#8. Write A  Proud King Story For School 

A king was famous for his valor and good governance. Once he was traveling with his master, seeing the prosperity and prosperity of the kingdom, a feeling of pride came over him, and he thought to himself, “Truly, I am a great king, how well I take care of my subjects. Will do !"

The Guru was omniscient, he immediately understood the feelings of his disciple and immediately decided to correct him.

There was a big stone lying on the way, Guru ji instructed the soldiers to break it.

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#9. Three mannequins Short Story,  The Secret Of Mannequins

Three mannequins!!

The court of Maharaja Chandragupta was held. All the members were sitting in their places. General Secretary Chanakya was talking about the court.

Maharaja Chandragupta had many hobbies to his liking. He should have been given a new toy everyday. Even today what is new on the associates of the Maharaja; It turns out that a merchant has come and brought some new toys. The dealer claims that Maharaj or anyone else has never seen or seen such toys till date. After listening, Maharaj ordered the merchant. The merchant came and after saluting, took out three effigies from his box and placed them in front of Maharaj and said that these three effigies are very special in themselves. They may be similar in appearance but in reality they are very different. The value of the first effigy is one lakh mohurs, the second one is worth one thousand mohurs and the third effigy is worth only one mohur.

The emperor looked at the three effigies very carefully. There was no visible difference, then why so much difference in price? This question troubled Chandragupta a lot. Defeated, he gave the effigy to the members and said that I think what is the difference between them. The members visited all the three places and looked everywhere, but no one could find an answer to this mystery. When Chandragupta saw that everyone was silent, he asked the same question to his Guru and General Secretary Chanakya.

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#10. How To Enjoy The Life Motivational Story

To enjoy life !!

It occurred a long time ago. When Alexander started ruling over the world on the strength of his power, he was so proud of his power that now he wanted to become immortal. He found out that somewhere there is such water that a person can become immortal by drinking it.

After wandering in the country and the world, Alexander finally found the place where he could get the nectar. It was an old cave, where no one used to come and go.

She was looking very scary to see, but Alexander took a deep breath and entered the cave. There he saw that a fountain of nectar was flowing inside the cave.

He had just extended his hand to drink water that a crow's voice came. The crow was sitting inside the cave. The crow said loudly, stop, stop, don't make this mistake. Alexander looked at the crow. He was in a very pitiful condition, feathers had fallen, claws had fallen, he had also become blind. Only the skeleton was left.

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#11. The Carpenter Story Good Motivational Story For Students

The Robber and Carpenter Story!!

A carpenter lived in a village. He was very strong in body and mind. One day he was called by a rich man from a nearby village to fit furniture.

When the work there was over, it was evening while returning, so he pressed a bundle of money he got from the work and covered himself with a blanket to avoid the cold.

He quietly left for home through the deserted road. After going some distance, he was suddenly stopped by a robber. The dacoit was physically weaker than the carpenter but his weakness was covered by his gun.

Now when the carpenter saw him in front, the robber said- 'Give me whatever you have, otherwise I will shoot you.' Hearing this, the carpenter handed over the bundle to the robber and said - 'Okay, you keep this money, but what will I tell my wife after reaching home. She would think that I must have wasted the money in gambling. You do one thing, make a hole in my hat with your gunshot so that my wife will be convinced of the robbery.'

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#12. What is The Wooden bowl- Moral Story

An old man went to live with his daughter-in-law in the city. At this stage of his age, he had become very weak, his hands were trembling and he could not see well. He lived in a small house, the whole family and his four-year-old grandson ate together at the dinner table. But due to being old, that person had a lot of difficulty in eating. Sometimes peas used to come out of his spoon and scattered on the floor, sometimes milk spilled from his hand and fell on the tablecloth.

The daughter-in-law and son kept tolerating all this for a day or two, but now they are getting annoyed with this work of their father. “We have to do something about them”, said the boy.

The daughter-in-law also nodded in yes and said, "After all, how long will we continue to spoil the enjoyment of our food because of them, and we cannot see things getting damaged like this."

The next day when it was time to eat, the son put an old table in the corner of the room, now the old father had to sit there alone and have his meal. Even a wooden bowl was given in place of their eating utensils, so that no more utensils could break.

The rest of the people used to sit and eat comfortably as before and when they occasionally looked at that old man, tears would appear in their eyes. Even after seeing this, the heart of the daughter-in-law does not melt, he would tell many things on their smallest mistake. The child sitting there also used to watch all this very carefully and was engrossed in himself.

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#13. How to achieve your goal good story for students and kids

Good Motivational  and Inspiring story by Engle hunting

What is Moral Story of Eagle 

The baby eagle had just learned to fly… Being full of enthusiasm, he was busy showing off his acrobatics to everyone.

Then he saw a piglet running under the tree, "Mother, look at that pig, how delicious it will be, I will hunt it right now."

“No son,” said the mother, “you are not ready for this yet, the pig is a big prey, you start with the mouse.”

  The eagle was obedient, immediately obeying the mother and soon learned to hunt mice with great skill.

Now his confidence was very high, he went to his mother and asked her to hunt the boar again.

“Not now son, first you learn to hunt rabbits”, explained the mother.

In a few days, the eagle also learned to hunt rabbits. He was sure that now he can definitely kill his first target pig… and for this he reached to the mother to take permission.

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In the depths of darkness, where hope seemed lost, a tiny spark ignited the life of a young dreamer. This is the story of Sarah, a determined soul who faced countless obstacles and emerged victorious, reminding us all that resilience and perseverance can bring about extraordinary transformations.


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