To enjoy life !!
It occurred a long time ago. When Alexander started ruling over the world on the strength of his power, he was so proud of his power that now he wanted to become immortal. He found out that somewhere there is such water that a person can become immortal by drinking it.
After wandering in the country and the world, Alexander finally found the place where he could get the nectar. It was an old cave, where no one used to come and go.
She was looking very scary to see, but Alexander took a deep breath and entered the cave. There he saw that a fountain of nectar was flowing inside the cave.
He had just extended his hand to drink water that a crow's voice came. The crow was sitting inside the cave. The crow said loudly, stop, stop, don't make this mistake. Alexander looked at the crow. He was in a very pitiful condition, feathers had fallen, claws had fallen, he had also become blind. Only the skeleton was left.
Alexander said who are you to stop me...? I can conquer the whole world so how do you stop me from drinking this nectar? Then the crow said with tears dripping from his eyes that I had also come to this cave in search of nectar and I drank the nectar in haste. Now I can never die, but now I want to die but cannot die. Look at my condition Alexander kept thinking for a long time after listening to the crow. After thinking again, without drinking nectar, quietly returned out of the cave.
Alexander had understood that the joy of life lasts only till the time we are in a position to enjoy that joy.
We should always be happy in life. We should never wait for big success or time to be happy because with time we become old and then we are not able to enjoy the real life.
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