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How to compassion to living beings and service to living beings.

"Compassion to all living beings and service to living beings."

Compassion and service to living beings are essential qualities that can be cultivated and practiced in various ways. Here are some suggestions on how to develop compassion and engage in service:

  • Cultivate empathy: Start by developing empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Practice putting yourself in someone else's shoes and imagining their experiences and emotions. This helps to foster a sense of connection and compassion towards them.

  • Be mindful: Cultivate mindfulness by being fully present in the moment and paying attention to the needs and suffering of those around you. Mindfulness helps you develop a deeper awareness of the world and the individuals in it, allowing you to respond with compassion.

  • Practice kindness: Engage in acts of kindness towards others. Small acts of kindness, such as offering a helping hand or a listening ear, can have a significant impact on someone's life. Look for opportunities to be of service and offer assistance whenever possible.

  • Volunteer: Find local organizations or charities that align with your values and offer your time and skills as a volunteer. There are numerous causes where you can make a difference, such as working with children, the elderly, animals, or environmental initiatives. Volunteering provides direct service to those in need and can be a fulfilling way to express compassion.

  • Practice active listening: When interacting with others, practice active listening. Give your full attention, listen attentively, and try to understand their perspective without judgment. Offering a compassionate ear and allowing someone to share their thoughts and emotions can be immensely supportive.

  • Educate yourself: Learn about the challenges and issues faced by different groups of living beings, such as humans, animals, or the environment. Educating yourself helps you develop a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of life and allows you to make more informed choices and take effective action.

  • Extend compassion beyond humans: Recognize that compassion extends beyond human beings to include animals and the environment. Consider adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle to reduce harm to animals or actively participate in environmental conservation efforts.

  • Practice self-compassion: Compassion starts with oneself. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. Engaging in self-care and self-compassion practices allows you to replenish your own well-being, which enables you to show up with greater compassion for others.

Remember, developing compassion and engaging in service is an ongoing process. Start with small steps and gradually expand your efforts as you deepen your understanding and connection with the world around you.

Living Things Story

A saint started a university, the main objective of this school was to create such cultured youth and girls who could become partners in the development of the society.

One day he organized a debate competition in his school, the theme of which was - "Compassion to living beings and service to living beings."

The competition started in the conference hall of the school at the appointed time on the scheduled date.

A student stressed the importance of resources for service and said that we can serve others only when we have enough resources for that.

At the same time, some students were also of the opinion that for service, it is necessary to have a feeling, not a resource.

In this way, all the participants gave wonderful speeches about the service.

Finally, when it was time to give the award, the saint chose a student who had not even come on stage to speak.

Seeing this, the voices of anger among other students and some academic members started rising.

The saint calmed everyone and said - 'Dear friends and students, you all have a complaint that why I chose such a student, who had not even participated in the competition. In fact, I wanted to know who among our students best understood the spirit of service.

That's why I put an injured cat at the entrance of the competition venue. You all came in through the same door, but no one looked up to the cat.

It was the only participant who stopped there and treated him and dropped him in a safe place.


Service-help is not the subject of debate, it is the art of living life. 'He who does not have the courage to teach by his conduct, no matter how effective his statements may be, he is not worthy to be rewarded'..!!

Always be happy - what you have got is enough.

Whose mind is cool - he has everything.


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