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Free Online Short Good Inspirational Story

A stranger came to the king's court to do a job. When he was asked about his ability, he said - "If I become a man, I can tell about him by looking at his face."

The king made him his special "in charge of the horse stables".

After a few days the king asked him about his most expensive and favorite horse. He said, "Sir, this is not a breed of horse."

The king was surprised, he asked the forest to call the horseman immediately. He told, the mare is a breed; His mother died on his birth, he grew up with her after drinking the milk of a cow.

The king called his servant and asked... "How do you know that the horse is not a breed?"


He said- "When it eats grass, it lowers its head like a cow, while a purebred horse takes grass in its mouth and raises its head."

He was very pleased with the king's ability, he sent grain, ghee, chicken and other attachment bonuses to the servant's house and stopped him in his palace.

After a few days, the king expressed his opinion about the queen to him. She said, "How are you like a queen but not born."

The ground went out from under the king's feet, he called his mother-in-law, told her the matter. Mother-in-law said- "The fact is that your husband had asked my husband for a relationship with my husband only after the birth of our daughter, but our daughter had died in 6 months. We crossed someone else's child to keep her close to your kingdom. Made my daughter."

The king then asked his servant - "How did you know?"

He said, "The treatment of Rani Sahiba's servants is worse than that of the Jars. There is a way of behaving of a family man, which is not at all in Rani Sahiba.

The king was again pleased with his connoisseur's eyes and many grains, sheep, goats, bonds. Also suspended him in his court.

The zamindar king again called the servant and asked about himself.

The servant said - "If my life is safe then I should tell." The king promised. He said- "Neither you are the son of the king nor your runner is the king."

The king got very angry, but had promised to protect his life, the king had directly sent the message to his mother.

The mother said- "It is true, you are the son of a shepherd, we did not have children, so we adopted God and brought them up."

The king called the servant and asked - tell me, "How did you know?"

He said- "When kings reward someone, they give it in the form of diamonds, pearls and jewels... But you give sheep, goats, food and drink... This attitude is not of any kings, Can only belong to the shepherd's son."

The king was surprised..!!

Education :-

How much wealth, happiness-prosperity, status, knowledge, muscle power a person has; These are all external appearances. The reality of a person is identified by his behavior and his authority..!!


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