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Greed Is Bad Short Story For students

Title: Greed Is Bad: The Dark Side of Excessive Selfishness


Greed, an insatiable desire for wealth and possessions, has long been condemned as a destructive force in society. It represents a relentless pursuit of personal gain at the expense of others. While ambition and drive can be positive traits, greed goes beyond the desire for success and manifests as an insidious force that undermines relationships, fuels inequality, and erodes the moral fabric of communities. This essay explores the detrimental consequences of greed and argues that it is an inherently destructive force that must be recognized and curbed for the betterment of individuals and society as a whole.

Greed Breeds Inequality 

One of the most concerning aspects of greed is its role in perpetuating social and economic inequality. When individuals prioritize their own wealth accumulation over the well-being of others, the gap between the rich and the poor widens. Wealth and resources become concentrated in the hands of a few, while the majority struggle to meet their basic needs. This disparity can lead to social unrest, as the marginalized become disillusioned with a system that favors the wealthy. Moreover, the cycle of poverty becomes difficult to break, as opportunities for upward mobility diminish under the weight of unchecked greed.

Erosion of Moral Values 

Greed corrodes moral values and diminishes empathy. When the pursuit of personal gain becomes the sole driving force, individuals are willing to compromise their integrity, betray trust, and engage in unethical practices. The insatiable desire for more can blind individuals to the consequences of their actions, leading to fraud, corruption, and exploitation. The moral compass that guides ethical decision-making becomes distorted, and the very foundation of a just society begins to crumble. Greed replaces empathy and compassion with callousness and indifference, leaving individuals isolated and disconnected from the needs of others.

Damaging Relationships 

Greed seeps into the fabric of interpersonal relationships, poisoning trust and fostering a sense of rivalry. When personal gain becomes the primary motive, collaboration and cooperation give way to cutthroat competition. Friendships and family bonds become strained as greed transforms interactions into zero-sum games, where one person's success necessarily implies another's failure. The pursuit of wealth overrides the importance of human connection and leads to a superficial and transactional approach to relationships. Greed isolates individuals, leaving them emotionally impoverished and devoid of meaningful connections.

Environmental Degradation 

Greed not only impacts human relationships but also damages the environment. Unbridled consumerism and resource exploitation driven by greed contribute to environmental degradation. The relentless pursuit of profit often disregards the long-term consequences for the planet, leading to deforestation, pollution, and climate change. Greed blinds individuals and corporations to the importance of sustainable practices, endangering ecosystems and the very planet we rely on for our survival. In the quest for immediate gains, future generations are left to bear the brunt of environmental degradation.


In a world driven by greed, the pursuit of personal gain takes precedence over the well-being of others, the moral fabric of society, and the health of the planet. Greed breeds inequality, erodes moral values, damages relationships, and contributes to environmental degradation. Recognizing the destructive nature of greed is crucial for fostering a more equitable and compassionate world. It requires a collective effort to shift our priorities towards cooperation, empathy, and sustainable practices. By curbing our greed and embracing a mindset of shared prosperity, we can build a society that values human connections and preserves the planet for future generations.

Greed Is Bad Short Story For students In English

A barber lived with his wife and children in Nayasar village. The barber was honest, satisfied with his earnings. He had no greed. The barber's wife also managed her household very efficiently with the income earned by her husband. Overall, his life was going through a very comfortable and happy life.

The barber was very skilled in his work. One day King Gurvit called the barber to him and asked him to come to the palace every day to shave.

The barber also accepted the king's proposal with great pleasure. Every day the barber used to get a gold coin for shaving the king.

The barber's wife was also very happy after getting so much money. Now his life started going smoothly. There was no shortage of anything at home and a good amount was also saved every month. The barber, his wife and children all started living happily.

One day in the evening, when the barber was going back to his house from the palace after finishing his work, he heard a voice on the way.

The voice was of a Yaksha. The Yaksha said to the barber, "I have heard great discussions of your honesty, I am very happy with your honesty and would like to give you seven pots full of gold coins. Will you take the pitcher I gave you?

The barber was a little scared at first, but in the second moment greed came in his mind and he decided to take the pitcher given by the Yaksha.

Hearing the answer of the barber, that voice again said to the barber, "Okay all the seven pots will reach your house."

When the barber reached home that day, there were actually seven pots kept in his room. The barber immediately told all the things to his wife and both of them opened the pitchers and started looking. He saw that six pots were full, but the seventh one was half empty.

The barber said to the wife- "It doesn't matter, every month we will put our savings in this pitcher. Soon this pot will also be filled. And with the help of these seven pots, our old age will be easily cut off.

From the very next day, the barber started putting his entire day's savings in that seventh. But the hunger of the seventh pitcher was so much that he never took the name of filling it.

Gradually the barber became miserly and started putting more money in the pitcher, because he had to fill his seventh pitcher quickly.

Due to the miserliness of the barber, now the house started declining, because the barber used to pay less money to the wife. The wife tried to convince the barber, but the barber had only one tune - to fill the seventh pitcher.

Now the barber's house did not have the same atmosphere as before. His wife got fed up with the miserliness and started fighting with her husband over the matter. The barber became upset and irritable due to the quarrels in the house.

One day the king asked the barber the reason for his trouble. The barber also told the king that now his expenses have increased due to inflation. After listening to the barber, the king increased his interest, but the king saw that the barber was not happy even with the increase in money, he was still upset and irritable.

One day the king asked the barber whether the Yaksha had given him seven pots. The barber told the king the truth about the seventh pitcher.

Then the king asked the barber to return the seven pots to the Yaksha, because the seventh pitcher is real greed, his hunger never ends. The barber understood everything. The barber returned home the same day and returned the seven pots to the Yaksha.

After the pots went back, the barber's life was filled with happiness again.


We should never covet. God has given things to all of us according to our deeds, we should be happy with what we have. If we are greedy then it has no end like the seventh pitcher..!!

Always be happy - what you have got is enough.

Whose mind is cool - he has all


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