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Motivational Story For Successful Students And Kids In English

Motivational Story For Successful Students And Kids 

Once upon a time there was a peacock who was very beautiful, his feathers were very beautiful. One day it rained heavily and the peacock started dancing. While dancing he was gazing at her beauty, but suddenly his attention was drawn to her voice, which was very dissonant and harsh. Realizing this, he became extremely sad and tears welled up in his eyes. Then suddenly, he heard a cuckoo singing.

Hearing the sweet voice of the cuckoo, the peacock felt his absence once again. He started thinking that God gave him beauty but why made him ugly. Just then a goddess appeared and asked the peacock "Peacock, why are you sad?"

The peacock complained to the goddess about her harsh voice and asked her, “The voice of the cuckoo is so sweet but why not mine? That's why I'm sad.

Now listening to the peacock, the goddess explained, “Everyone's share is determined by the Lord, every living being is special in its own way. God has made them different and they are meant for a certain job. He gave beauty to the peacock, strength to the lion and sweet voice to the cuckoo! We should respect these gifts given by God and be happy with what we have.

After listening to the words of the goddess, the peacock understood that one should not compare with others, but should appreciate one's own skill and enhance it further. More understood that day that every person is unique in some way or the other.


Accepting yourself is the first step to happiness. Instead of grieving what you don't have, embrace what you do have.


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