A man used to work at a moneyed man shop. He used to do his work with utmost honesty and dedication. M oneyed man was very happy with his work and the man used to live comfortably with the salary received by moneyed man . Days were passing like this. One day the man did not come to work without being told. moneyed man work stopped due to his absence. Then moneyed man thought that this man has been working honestly for so many days. I haven't increased his salary since when. How would it have survived with so much money? Moneyed man thought that if this man's salary was increased, he would work harder and more diligently. He increased the man's salary from the same month itself. When the man got the increased money on a date, he was surprised. But he didn't say anything and quietly kept the money... Slowly the matter came to pass. After a few months, the man again remained absent for a few days. Moneye...