There was a flood in a state due to heavy rain. Some social workers from there together started collecting donations, food items, clothes etc from village to village so that they could help the flood victims.
Everyone was giving something or the other according to their wish and status.
When he went to a rich family's house, his child was very excited that he could give them a lot, but when he asked his parents, they said, "There will be many beggars like this, so will you loot the whole house?" Go, there is a torn old sheet lying there, give it to him."
After a few hours, the flow of water increased further and the house of that family also got submerged in water. Then he too had to leave the house and go to the inn where all the afflicted people had come.
Due to the rain, it was also feeling very cold. He begged for some blanket or sheet from there. The workers said, "Brother, all the people have come here for a long time, we have distributed everything among all, let's see if there is anything left?"
When he looked, he saw a sheet and brought it. The sheet was very torn.
While giving the sheet, he said, "Sorry brother, there is nothing left except this torn sheet. Make a living with this. It probably doesn't survive, it is torn, that's why it has survived."
Now how would the three of them spend in that torn sheet? He covered his child with that sheet.
When the child saw it, he said, "We have given our diya back."
As the family was prosperous, even then they only gave a torn dirty sheet which they only got back. If they had given some good quilts or blankets, then maybe they would have come in handy.
We get the same feeling in return as we have in our mind. And we get back what we have given... If you give good then only good will come back.
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