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Showing posts from September, 2023

Pursuit of joy the king story

The king of a city, to whom God had given everything, a prosperous kingdom, a polite and virtuous wife, cultured children, had everything, but still he remained unhappy. Once while roaming around he reached a small village where a potter was selling pots outside the temple of Lord and some pots were filled with water and was singing God song while lying there. The king came there and saw Lord  and went and sat near the potter, the potter was sitting and he gave water to the king with great respect. The king was somewhat impressed by the potter and the king thought that what would he earn by selling so many pots? So the king asked why brother Prajapati will go to the city with me. Prajapati said - What will I do after going to the city, king?  King - Walk there and make a lot of pots there. Prajapati - Then what will I do with those pots? King - Hey what will he do? You will get a lot of money selling them. Prajapati - Then what will I do with that money? King - What will he do with the

The Farmer Story

 A farmer lived in a village. He was survived by his wife and a son. The wife died after a few years. At that time the boy was ten years old. The farmer got married again. The farmer also got a son from that second wife. The farmer's second wife also died after some time. When the farmer's elder son, who was from his first wife, became eligible for marriage, the farmer got the elder son married. Then the farmer also died after some time. The farmer's younger son from his second wife and his elder son from his first wife lived together. After some time, the farmer's younger son started feeling ill. The elder brother got treatment from some nearby doctors but did not get any relief. Younger brother's health was deteriorating day by day and a lot of expenses were also being incurred. One day the elder brother advised his wife that if the younger brother dies, we will not have to spend money for his treatment and will not have to give even half the share in the property

A Rich Man Story

 A rich man lived in a city. He was very proud of his money. Once due to some reason his eyes got infected and his eyes started burning badly. He went to many doctors, but none of the doctors understood his problem. He started getting very worried. He went abroad for his treatment. There a big doctor looked at his eyes and said – I have never seen such a case in my entire life. (The man gets very scared) He asks the doctor – What happened, doctor? Doctor says- You have got allergy in your eyes. You can only see ‘green colour’. If you see colors other than green, your eyes will start burning and gradually you will lose your vision. (He becomes very sad). He has a lot of money, so he calls a painter and says – You paint this house green and wherever I go, paint the whole place green. He got his street, road, board everything green. He spent a lot of money, yet something or the other remained. Which could not be defeated. Like the blue sky, the bread to eat and the color of the body, ever

Bumpy Ride Story

Once upon a time, in a class teacher wanted to explain to all his students that nature gives equal opportunity to everyone and they can use that opportunity to create their own destiny. To explain this properly, Guruji took three bowls. Put a potato in the first bowl, an egg in the second and tea leaves in the third bowl. Now pour water in all three bowls and put them on the gas to boil.   All the students were watching all this with surprise but no one was able to understand anything. After twenty minutes, when the three pots started boiling, teacher took down all the bowls and took out the potatoes, egg and tea.   Now he asked all the students to look carefully at the three bowls. Still no student was able to understand. At last  teacher  asked a child to touch all three (potato, egg and tea). When the student touched the potato, he found that the potato which had initially become quite hard had become quite soft after boiling in water. When the student picked up the egg, he saw that

Clever bird Story

Once upon a time, a bird was flying in the sky. On the way he meets  Eagle  .  Eagle  runs to eat that bird. The bird begs him for its life. But  Eagle  is not ready to have mercy on him. Then the bird tells him that I have small children and it is important for me to stay alive to take care of them. Then  Eagle  puts a condition in front of the bird that race with him and if you defeat me then I will spare your life and let you go from here.   Eagle knew that it was impossible for the bird to defeat him in the race. That's why he puts such a difficult condition before him. The bird has no other option but to say yes to this race. But the bird knew that it was impossible to defeat  Eagle  in the race but still she agreed to the race. But she tells  Eagle  that he will not let her die until this race ends.  Eagle  agrees to this. The race starts, the bird quickly goes and sits on the head of  Eagle  and as soon as  Eagle  reaches the last place of the race, the bird quickly flies ac

Stupid Neighbor Story

"Short Stories: The Art of Crafting Awe-Inspiring Worlds in Just a Few Words" In ancient India, there lived a very kind merchant. He used to donate money to poor people and always helped his friends. That merchant one day lost all his money and his fame along with the money. His friends started ignoring him. Tired of all this, one night he thought, “I have lost everything, no one is with me. I must die." Thinking of this he fell into a deep sleep. While sleeping he saw a dream. In the dream a monk said to him, “Tomorrow I will come to your door. You will have to hit my head with a stick. I will turn into a golden statue." It was almost morning. The merchant woke up and started thinking about the dream. Then after some time, a monk knocked on the door of the house. The merchant called the monk inside. The merchant hit the monk on the head with a stick and the monk immediately turned into a golden idol. A neighbor who was passing by saw all this. The greedy neighbor d