The king of a city, to whom God had given everything, a prosperous kingdom, a polite and virtuous wife, cultured children, had everything, but still he remained unhappy.
Once while roaming around he reached a small village where a potter was selling pots outside the temple of Lord and some pots were filled with water and was singing God song while lying there.
The king came there and saw Lord and went and sat near the potter, the potter was sitting and he gave water to the king with great respect. The king was somewhat impressed by the potter and the king thought that what would he earn by selling so many pots?
So the king asked why brother Prajapati will go to the city with me.Prajapati said - What will I do after going to the city, king? King - Walk there and make a lot of pots there.
Prajapati - Then what will I do with those pots?
King - Hey what will he do? You will get a lot of money selling them.Prajapati - Then what will I do with that money?
King - What will he do with the money? Hey money is everything.
Prajapati- Ok Rajan, now you tell me what will I do with that money?
King- Hey, then worship God comfortably and then you will be in joy.
Prajapati- "Sorry Rajan! But you tell me what I am doing right now and yes tell me honestly.
The king thought a lot and as if this question shook the king.
King- Yes Prajapati ji, you are worshiping God comfortably at this time and as far as I can see you are in full joy!
Prajapati - Yes Rajan that's what I am telling you that happiness cannot be achieved with money!
King - O Prajapati ji, please tell me how to attain happiness?
Prajapati - Listen very carefully and think very deeply on it, Rajan! Reverse your hands!
King- How is that?
Prajapati - Hey King! Don't ask, learn to give and if you have learned to give, then understand that you have stepped on the path of happiness! Abandon selfishness and choose charity! Hey King, the biggest reason for most people's unhappiness is that they are not happy with whatever they have and are just sad about getting what they don't have! Hey brother, learn to be happy with what you have, sorrows will go away on their own and why do you remain sad about what you don't have!
There is no greater happiness than self-satisfaction and the one who has wealth in the form of satisfaction, he is the most happy and he is in joy and he is the king in true sense!
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