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The Story Of inner self Example

Intelligence test!!

It is a very old thing, in those days there were no schools like today. Gurukul was the education system and students used to stay and study in Gurukul. It is about those days. There was a scholar Pandit, his name was Radhe Gupta. His Gurukul was very famous, where children used to come from far and wide to get education.

Radhe Gupta's wife had passed away, his age was also declining, there was a marriageable girl in the house, whose worry used to haunt him all the time. Pandit Radhe Gupta wanted to marry her to such a worthy person, who may not have wealth but is intelligent.

One day a thought came to his mind, he thought why not search for a suitable groom among his disciples. Thinking like this he decided to test the intelligent disciple, he gathered all the disciples and said to them- "I want to conduct a test, its purpose is to know who is the most intelligent."

My daughter has become marriageable and I am worried about her marriage, but I do not have enough money. That's why I want all the disciples to collect the material required for marriage. Even if you have to choose the path of theft for this. But everyone has to follow one condition, the condition is that no one should see any disciple stealing.

From the next day all the disciples got involved in their own work. Every day one or the other disciple was stealing different things and giving them to Guruji. Radhe Gupta was keeping those things in a safe place. Because after the exam they had to return all the things to their owner.

He wanted to know from the examination that which disciple was eligible to marry his daughter. All the disciples were working with their own mind. But one of the students, Ramaswamy, who was the most promising student of the Gurukul, was silently thinking something sitting under a tree.

Seeing him sitting in thought, Radhe Gupta asked the reason. Ramaswamy told, “You had said as a condition of the exam that no one should be able to see while stealing. But when we steal, then our conscience sees everything, we cannot hide it from ourselves. It does not mean that stealing is futile.

Radhe Gupta's face lit up with happiness after listening to him. He gathered all the disciples at the same time and asked them - "You all have stolen.. did anyone see?" Everyone shook their heads in denial. Then Radhe Gupta said, "Children! Could you hide this theft even from your inner self?

On hearing this, all the children bowed their heads. In this way Guruji found a suitable and intelligent groom for his daughter. He got his daughter married to Ramaswamy. At the same time, after returning the things stolen by the disciples to their owners, they humbly apologized.


No work is hidden from the inner self and the inner self only shows the right path to the person. That's why a man must probe his mind while doing any work, because the mind only supports the truth.


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