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What is the story of six blind people an Elephant with moral lesson.

It was a long time ago, 6 blind men lived in a village. One day the villagers told him, "Hey, today an elephant has come to the village." He had only heard about elephants till date but had never touched or felt them. They decided, "Even though we can't see the elephant, we can all walk by and feel it today, can't we?" And then they all moved towards the place where the elephant had come.

Everyone started touching the elephant.

“I understand, an elephant is like a pillar”, said the first person, touching the elephant's leg.

"Oh no, an elephant is like a rope." The other person said holding the tail.

"I tell you, it is like a tree trunk.", said the third person holding the trunk.

"What are you guys talking about, an elephant is like a big hand fan.", the fourth person explained to everyone by touching his ear.

"No-no, it's like a wall.", the fifth person said keeping his hand on his stomach.

"It is not so, the elephant is like a rigid tube.", the sixth person kept his point.

And then everyone started arguing with each other and trying to prove themselves right... Their argument kept on increasing and it seemed as if they would have to fight with each other.

Just then a wise man was passing from there. He stopped and asked them, "What's the matter, why are you all quarreling with each other?"

“We are not able to decide what the elephant looks like.”, they replied.

And then in turn they explained their point to that person.

The wise man listened to everyone calmly and said, “You are all right in your respective places. The difference in your description is because all of you have touched different parts of the elephant, but if seen, whatever you told, all the things fit the description of the elephant.

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"Good ! It is so. Everyone answered together. After that there was no dispute and everyone became happy that they were telling the truth.


Friends, many times it happens that we get stuck on our point of view that we are right and everyone else is wrong. But it is possible that we are seeing only one side of the coin and apart from that there are some facts which are correct. That's why we should keep our point but also listen to others with patience and should never get into useless debate.


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