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Three mannequins Short Story, The Secret Of Mannequins

Three mannequins!!

The court of Maharaja Chandragupta was held. All the members were sitting in their places. General Secretary Chanakya was talking about the court.

Maharaja Chandragupta had many hobbies to his liking. He should have been given a new toy everyday. Even today what is new on the associates of the Maharaja; It turns out that a merchant has come and brought some new toys. The dealer claims that Maharaj or anyone else has never seen or seen such toys till date. After listening, Maharaj ordered the merchant. The merchant came and after saluting, took out three effigies from his box and placed them in front of Maharaj and said that these three effigies are very special in themselves. They may be similar in appearance but in reality they are very different. The value of the first effigy is one lakh mohurs, the second one is worth one thousand mohurs and the third effigy is worth only one mohur.

The emperor looked at the three effigies very carefully. There was no visible difference, then why so much difference in price? This question troubled Chandragupta a lot. Defeated, he gave the effigy to the members and said that I think what is the difference between them. The members visited all the three places and looked everywhere, but no one could find an answer to this mystery. When Chandragupta saw that everyone was silent, he asked the same question to his Guru and General Secretary Chanakya.

Chanakya looked at the effigy very carefully and ordered the gatekeeper to bring three straws. When the straw arrived, Chanakya first put a straw in the effigy's ear. Everyone saw that the straw went straight into the stomach, after a while the lips moved and then closed. Now Chanakya put the next straw in the ear of the second effigy. This time everyone saw that the straw came out of the other ear and the effigy remained as it was. Everyone's age was increasing seeing what would happen next. Now Chanakya put the straw in the ear of the third effigy. Everyone saw that the straw has come out of the mouth of the effigy and the mouth of the effigy has opened completely. Mannequin is an issue of equality like some want to say.

When asked by Chandragupta what is all this and why the prices of these posts are different, Chanakya replied.

King, the character always keeps the things he hears to himself and opens his mouth only after verifying them. This is his greatness. This is the knowledge we get from the first effigy and that is the reason why the value of this effigy is one lakh pieces.

Some people are always engrossed in themselves. He listens to everything. They have no desire for their praise. Such people never harm anyone. This is the knowledge we get from the second effigy and that is the reason why the value of this effigy is one thousand pieces.

Some people have ear figures and lighter abdomen. No one heard anything that created noise all over the world. This lie has no knowledge of the truth, it just means to open the mouth. That is why the value of this effigy is only a stamp.

Which mannequin are you..!!

Education :-

Friends, your views on anything in life should be expressed only after examining it first, never believe what you hear.


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