Karma and luck!!
There was a street road side stallers. Whenever we go to him for food, it seems as if he is looking our way. He used to enjoy talking to her on every subject. Told him many times that brother it gets late, please prepared him quickly but his talk does not end at all. One day suddenly a conversation started with him on my karma and fate.
After listening to the fate and tadbeer, I thought that let's see his philosophy today. I asked him a question. My question was to that street food seller whether a man progresses through hard work or luck?
After listening to the answer he gave, all the cobwebs in my mind were cleared. That street food said to me that you must have a locker in some bank.?
I said yes, then that street food told me that the keys of that locker are the answer to this question. Each locker has two keys. One is with you and one is with the manager. The key you have is hard work and the manager has luck.
The lock of the locker cannot be opened until both the keys are in place. You are a man of action and the manager is God! You should also keep putting your key. Don't know when the one above will put his key. Lest it happen that God is putting the key of his fortune and we are not able to put the key of hard work and the lock fails to open.
"Keep working, don't go away from your goal by relying on luck".
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