A man with his 15-16 year old daughter in a big hotel wearing a torn dhoti and torn kami. Both of them sitting on their chairs saw a waiter placing two tumblers of clear cold water in front of them and asked - what to bring for you?
That class said- "I promised my daughter that if you come first in ten in the district, I will make you a dosa man in the biggest hotel of your city.
This promise has been fulfilled. Please have a dosa for this. The waiter asked- "What to bring for you?" He said - I have money for only one dosa. After listening to the whole thing, the waiter went to the owner and told the whole story and said - I want both of them to have breakfast. Right now I don't have money, so deduct the amount of these bills from my salary. The owner said- Today we will give a success party of this promising daughter on behalf of the hotel.
The hoteliers celebrated the poor girl's success by setting up a table nicely and very lavishly with all the customers present. The owner gifted the boys three dosas in a big bag and sweets to share with the whole neighborhood. After getting so much respect, he went to his home with tears of joy in his eyes.
The time was calculated and in the same day the same girl passed the fourteenth examination and came to Tehsildar in the same city. First of all, he sent a constable to the same hotel and told him that Tehsildar Sahiba would come for breakfast. The hotel owner set a table nicely. This news is filled with customers throughout the hotel.
The same girl as Tehsildar arrived at the hotel smilingly accompanied by her parents. Everyone crouched down in his honor. The hotel owner smoked and requested for orders. Crying, the girl asked the owner of the hotel and the daughter to bow down before her – perhaps you both did not recognize me. I am the same girl whose father didn't have money to buy another dosa and you both set a true example of humanity by throwing a grand party to celebrate my presence and also packed sweets for my whole neighborhood .
Today this party is on my side and I will foot the bill for all the customers and the entire hotel staff. Tomorrow both of you will be honored as the best citizens on a civic platform.
Education- Instead of making fun of the poverty of any poor, give due respect to their talent.
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