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Human Clash Story, How To Fight Difficulties With example, Butterfly Clash

Butterfly Clash!! 

How To Fight Difficulties With Moral Story

Hard work is important for good achievement and when we do hard work than difficult come in the way. This difficulty check your physical availability, If you stop than your difficulty will dominate at you.

And if you're not stop than you will win and achieve your goal.

Short Moral Story Of Butterfly, Which Will Help to Learn About Overcoming Challenges.

A man used to go for a walk in the garden every morning. Once he saw a butterfly cocoon on a branch of a tree in the garden. Now he started seeing her everyday. One day he saw that there was a small hole in that cocoon. Out of curiosity, he went near her and started looking at her very carefully. 

Best Story For Hard Work With Moral. Fruit Of Hard Work Are Always Sweet Story 

After a while he saw that a small butterfly was trying to come out of that hole but even after many attempts, it was having trouble getting out. That man felt pity on him. He made the hole of that cocoon so big that the butterfly could easily come out. After some time the butterfly came out of the cocoon but its body was swollen and its wings were also dry. The man thought that the butterfly would fly now but due to swelling the butterfly could not fly and died after some time.

In fact, God has made the process of butterfly coming out of the cocoon so difficult so that during the struggle the fluid present on the butterfly's body can reach its wings and its wings can become strong enough to fly and the butterfly can fly in the open sky. Could It is this struggle that makes the butterfly realize its capabilities.


The same thing applies to us too. Difficulties, problems are not there to make us weak but to improve ourselves by making us realize our capabilities and to make us stronger.

That's why whenever difficulties or problems come in your life, don't be afraid of them, but face them firmly. Keep fighting and keep trying with positivity by leaving negative thoughts. One day you will come out of your difficult cocoon and fly in the open sky means you will win. You will overcome all difficulties, problems.


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